
Online Jobs: How to Work From Home Successfully

Social Media Communication | Camella Manors | Works from Home

Working from home is a dream for many people since it allows them to work on their own schedule and in an environment that they are familiar with. Working from home allows parents to spend time with their children while also making ends meet. Unfortunately, it is tough to locate work from home possibilities in the Philippines, but due to the epidemic, an increasing number of Filipinos are opting to try their hand at freelancing online.

An Overview of Online Freelancing

The trend toward online freelancing began in the early 2000s, with a slew of websites promising to assist freelancers to earn more money while also helping corporations to save money through outsourcing, both of which remain true today.

You may collaborate with others on a more traditional project basis or on a per-hour basis on various online portals, which we shall explore later. Hirers submit projects online, and freelancers bid on them.

Employers will then determine whether or not to interview you based on your cost, experience, cover letter, job history, portfolio, and reviews. You will be hired if the interview goes well. Payment is purely electronic, and the most simple option is unquestionably through Paypal, so make sure you have an account. You should be aware that most online freelancing sites charge a fee depending on your earnings, which is often about 10%.

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Things to keep in mind

You’re competing with a global workforce, so anticipate freelancers from lower-income nations to undercut your pricing.
Starting out as a freelancer might be challenging, but as you gain more evaluations from clients, it becomes simpler.
If your working relationship with your hirer deteriorates, you may find yourself in a disagreement that is generally resolved by the administrators of these sites. If they rule against you, you may not be compensated for a project.
There are several projects available online, but most of them are connected to IT or graphic design.

How to Be an Effective Remote Worker

Be Proactive in Communicating

When you are not in the same office as your boss and coworkers, you must improve your communication abilities. Use email, phone calls, video calls, online chat software, and whatever other means you have available. Inquire about when and how people want to hear from you, and then adhere to their preferences. Prepare to overcommunicate in order to guarantee that you and your team members are cooperating successfully and that your boss is aware of your priorities.

Outline Expectations

Clarifying expectations begins with frequent and open talks with your supervisor and coworkers to ensure you understand what they want you to do and when. Continue to manage expectations as you move forward with projects and activities, offering updates and clarifying as required. When you’ve met your deadline, get feedback to ensure you accomplished everything you needed to do. This will assist you in developing trust and ensuring that you and your coworkers are on the same page.

Set Office Hours and Keep Them

Determine your usual working hours and notify your employer and coworkers of your plans. Then do everything you can to follow it. Your coworkers must be aware of when you will be accessible for work assignments and meetings, as well as when you will be clocking out and on personal time. Making a plan also increases the likelihood that you will not routinely work long hours, which will benefit your overall work-life balance.

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Dress for Success

Resist the desire to stay in your PJs all day and dress for work every day, no matter how tempting it seems. Not only will you want to seem professional during video meetings, but dressing in the morning puts your brain in “work” mode.

Organize Your Days

To be effective working from home, you must organize and structure your days so that the hours don’t get away from you. Make to-do lists, create goals, and plan a daily routine that includes breaks and periods when you can focus on serious work. Depending on your employment, you may wish to divide your day into chunks of time dedicated to different activities (for example, 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., answer to emails; 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., work on project #1). The more structure you can include into your remote working days, the less likely it is that you will become sidetracked.

Make a Dedicated Office Space

When you set up a home office area that is solely for your job, you will naturally have fewer distractions. Find a room (even a closet!) in your house that isn’t being utilized for anything else and convert it into your own workspace. Of course, when your workplace is in your house, you have the option to change things up every now and then to create a cool, new environment that keeps things interesting.

Task Lists and Time Management Apps

With no boss hanging over your shoulder, it’s easy to get distracted or spend too much time on a specific task or project. Make and utilize daily task lists, noting what you intend to achieve and how long it should take. Seek out more time management tools as needed to keep you on track and achieve your deadlines.

Take Rest Periods

Without the rhythm of work around you, it’s easy to slip into a rut and forget to take a lunch break or go for a brief stroll to stretch your legs. Set an alarm if required to remind you to take breaks. This will help you focus and keep you refreshed, allowing you to be the most productive and efficient worker possible.\

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Personal tasks should be avoided

It’s critical that you don’t let home chores take over your schedule if you want to be an effective remote employee. Sure, a load of washing during a work break is OK, but don’t allow other domestic duties to control your workday. They will not only stretch your day past your usual work hours, but the continuous interruptions will hamper your productivity and effectiveness.

Regular exercise is essential

Whether you go for a run or walk during your lunch break or arrange an online yoga session at the end of your workday, maintaining a regular fitness routine can help you overcome the sedentary lifestyle that remote work may lead to.

Build a Solid Support System

Working from home may contribute to feelings of loneliness and isolation, but being connected helps keep these emotions at bay. Your only engagement throughout the workday may be virtual until the epidemic is gone, but that’s fine! Virtual coffee breaks and lunches, interactive happy hours, and post-work Zoom sessions with pals may help you feel connected to your coworkers.

Once you’re able, consider working out of a coffee shop or a local co-working place where other people prefer to work. You’ll meet other remote employees and feel like you’re part of a group, despite the fact that you’re all working for separate firms.

Schedule in-person meetings with team members on an as-needed basis.

While internet communication tools might help you form deep virtual relationships, face-to-face interactions are difficult to replace. Meeting in person with your coworkers and management will not always be possible (like during a pandemic). However, after things have returned to normal, it is beneficial to plan brief meet-ups with local team members and attend any offsite retreats that your firm provides.

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